Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Because I could not stop for Death-

When reading "Because I could not stop for Death" by Emily Dickinson I could not help, but think about Connie. This story seems to answer the question of what happened to Connie right after she agreed to go with Arnold at the end of "Where are you going, Where have you been?" It seems that they drove in Arnold's gold "chariot" the entire day. They drove a long distance as well passing children in school to fields in the countryside. At the end of their trip they stop in front of a house that seemed "a swelling in the ground". This sounds like the entrance to Hell in my opinion. She speaks about how she will be spending eternity there which could mean that she was either dead, or that she became his wife. I prefer the former so this is what I am going to let myself think. I guess we will find out in the movie "Smooth Talk".

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