Tuesday, April 27, 2010

pg 221

Ivan lays out a terrible scene to Alyosha on this page. I think that I was just as shocked as Alyosha was when he hears the story of the crimes committed by Turks and Circassians. I do not know if this is a true story about nailing people by the ears and shooting babies in their mother's arms. Later Ivan says that people seek satisfaction by inflicting pain on others. I think that this might be true in some circumstances, but not all people take joy in the pain of others. Sure we might laugh if someone falls on a patch of ice, but I would not be laughing if that person were seriously injured. I most definitely would not take pleasure in hurting others myself. I can hardly squash a bug let alone kill a person. I do like this section however, Dmitry brings up some good points and Alyosha has some good arguments as well.

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