Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Groundhog Day

My day was another usual Tuesday, filled with class, homework, and other bits of randomness.
6AM: Alarm goes off, hit the snooze button
6:15 AM: Alarm goes off again, decide I better get up
6:25 AM: go to the bathroom, shower, put in contacts
6:45AM: go downstairs and make Special K cereal, watch TV while eating
7:00AM: go back upstairs to dry and style my hair, change clothes, and put on makeup
7:35 AM: scurry out the door to start my car and begin my drive to campus
7:50AM: finally find a parking spot and continue to Reid Hall for my Multicultural Education Class
8:00: Class starts, teacher is sick today so we have a sub. She can't get DVD player to work, so we have another boring lecture instead of a relaxing morning
9:15AM: class ends, go home
11:00AM: start making eggs and toast for lunch (I know this sounds more like breakfast, but it sounded good)
11:45AM: pull out my art supplies to work on a drawing that I started on Thursday
12:30PM: Finish art project
12:30-12:40: Watch a bit of TV
12:40: Go back to school for my 1:10 art class
1:10: art class starts, we critique each others work and begin talking about cross contours and our next assignment
4:00: class ends
400-4:10: make my way back to my car and my boyfriend, Vinny, calls. Tells me about his homework, mentions he needs to pick up a newspaper. I offer to get one for him.
4:25: arrive at Smith's Grocery to get newspaper. Remember I need some other things too. Pick up milk, cereal, and deodorant as well.
4:40: Arrive at boyfriend's house
4:40-6:00: Both of us work on our homework. I have physics to do, he has calculus.
6:00: We are hungry. He begins cooking spaghetti. Tells me he doesn't need any help, so I watch some TV.
6:20: Dinner is ready! It tasted fantastic too. Owen, Vinny's roommate joins us for dinner.
6:45: Jason, Vinny's friend arrives
7:00: The season premier of "Lost" begins.
7:45: I fall asleep watching it (ashamedly)
10:00: Lost is over, Vinny wakes me up
10:15: I head back to my house
10:20: take out contacts, take off makeup
10:25: Put on pajamas
10:30: Finally crawl into bed
11:00: Last time I look at clock, fall asleep shortly after
I tried to be as accurate as possible, but realize that there is a lot of little things that I am leaving out. I'm sure there are things that other people around me were doing that I noticed, but didn't remember long enough to include into my blog. I have no idea how Ulysses was written, as my day probably wouldn't even take up a page.

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