I have so many memories from my early childhood, from getting into major trouble, to some pretty funny moments with my sister. I honestly don't even know which one would be the earliest, but I will share one of the ones that sticks out in my mind. One of the first ones that I remember took place underneath my grandparents' ping pong table. I was three years old and my friend from preschool had come over to spend the day with me. We told my grandmother that we were going to play under the infamous ping pong table while she prepared lunch. My grandfather was in the same room, but as always he was taking his afternoon snooze. Kara and I thought it would be a good idea to play barbershop, with real scissors. I cut her hair first and when I was finished it was her turn. We must have been pretty quick, because we were done by the time my grandma called us in for lunch. As soon as she saw our hair she immediately panicked, probably thinking about how she was going to tell my parents. As soon as my dad saw me, he began laughing hysterically. He said that my head looked like a roosters feathers. I don't remember telling my mom, but from what I hear she was not pleased. The next day we went to Fantastic Sam's to repair the damage that my friend and I had done to our precious locks.
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